For fly fishers from all over the world Austria`s wonderful rivers are the top destination for the fulfilment of their passion. We offer fly fishing on a selection of outstanding rivers right in the middle of Austria. They have a healthy stock of BROOK TROUT, RAINBOW TROUT, and GRAYLING. Char and Danube salmon also live in these clear and pristine mountain rivers. A consistent management and control of water quality guarantee their high quality as fly fishing waters. Along the rivers Ybbs, Salza, Steyr, Erlauf and Walster with the Hubertus Lake the environment has remained untouched as the quality of their water shows. For that reason more and more content guests come back every year to enjoy the natural beauty of this fly fishing paradise.
All you need to know about hunting and fly fishing in Austria you will find on:
The crystal clear rivers in the heart of Austria such as the Rivers Ybbs, Salza, big and small Erlauf, Steyr and Walster Rivers as well as Hubertus Lake, are the secret tip to fulfil the highest expectations of fly fishermen. These waters offer them only the best and are the reason why fly fishermen from all over the world visit us every year.
The healthy stock of grayling, brown and rainbow trout, together with some char and Danube salmon make these rivers first class salmon waters on which our guests often succeed in making outstanding catches in the season from April until December. With this selection of rivers and different fishing districts on the River Ybbs we can offer the opportunity to our guets to come to know new specialities of these waters every day. Our regular guests highly appreciate this special service. With timely booking we can take into account your wish in regard to a certain stretch within the fishing districts on these rivers. All these rivers are fished with fly rods and artificial flies only (wet and dry flies such as Nymphs) without barbed hooks and without additional weights.
Waders are allowed everywhere. Depending on the actual part of the river where you fish, a specific guest license must be obtained. Fishing from bridges is not allowed.
The Ybbs can be fly fished over 50 kilometers of divided fishing Districts within the river. With its different water formations and absolutely clear waters, together with the multiplicity of emerald tones, this river is counted as one of the top fly fishing waters by experienced fly fishers. Those new to fly fishing in general are also heartily welcome. There are courses and private instruction where people can learn the most important elements of fly fishing and soon achieve their desired success.
The river is between 20 and 35 meters wide and there is good access to the water everywhere. It can be accessed from either side. There are also nearby creeks and exceptional brooks in Hollenstein.
The beautiful landscape along the valleys and the heartfelt hospitality in the area round out a most favorable impression for fly fishing.
Overview about the sections of Opponitz
Ybbs Section I
Ybbs Section II
Ybbs Section III
YbbsSection IV
Ybbs Section Hollenstein
Ybbs Section Opponitz-Exclusiv
The Salza without a doubt qualifies as one of the most valuable ecological and beautiful rivers in Austria. With a cumulative length of 77 kilometers it is the second longest river in the Steiermark region and its total course also has the highest quality drinking water.
Interrupted only with small power plants, throughout the entire course of the Salza one finds an undisturbed, intact river landscape. Beginning with the beach waters the river offers unspoiled bluffs, perpendicular rock walls, gravel and gravel banks among the ever changing wealth of formations.
From Moosbach the Salza flows through a practically undeveloped valley in which the dynamic of the river and the constant displacement of the beds are wonderful to behold. Below the Presceny hermitage the river widens here through extensive islands and very different bank structures which mark the river beds of the Salza up to 60 meters. From Wildalpen the Salza changes again to narrow and deep gorges.
Limited day passes are available for both fishing districts.
16th of March – 31st of December
These are situated among the wonderful, romantic nature preserves in the area around Mariazell. The area is noted for its natural beauty dating back to the times of Kaiser Franz Josef when it was his favorite hunting area. The “white Walster” and “black Walster” are a spawning and breeding area and protected year round.
The Walster has a length of 6.5 kilometers (4 miles) and Hubertus Lake is 14.6 hektar (approx. 36 acres) and 8 meters (26 feet) deep. The Walster is notable for its clear water and exceptional grayling to challenge the most demanding fly fisher. It meanders through the spectacular Walster valley. There one finds a multitude of waters which change from deep pools to trickling streams. The beginning of the Hubertus Lakes District works like rain going through a sponge and filtering water naturally with few exceptions. One can fish clear waters over the course of the season, also with melting snow. The Walster flows to the gorge of the Salza. Many guests compare this part of the Salza to the “Steiermark of Canada” with Class I. This is an exceptional water highlight.
We obtain the licenses through the Pijawetz Company in very limited numbers.
2 trout in any kind , grayling all year long protected
A Part of the Hubertus lake can be fished with the belly boat. Gladly you can rent Belly Boats for a rental fee of € 15.00 per day. Access points only at the dam – or outflow at the church north side. Use of the Belly boat at your own risk. Refer to our fishing regulations.
The two districts (Grosse Erlauf Thormauer I & II) stretch from the Schiesswand below the electricity plants in the Erlaufboden downstream to the Nestel mountain bridge (that is about 600 meters upstream from Trefflingbach and is the District order of Route I and Route II) as well as downstream until the so-named Kollerreith underneath the mouth of the Hundsbaches (the township of Netelberg- Gaming and St. Anton on the Jessnitz).
For Trefflingbach, a license is available for the entire length of this stream. The District without nearby streams is 12 kilometers long (about 7.4 miles) with a width of 12-18 meters. The River has a strong changing character and belongs to the most beautiful alpine rivers of Europe. The two sections of the Erlauf are situated in a nature park called the “Ötscher – Thormauer”.
The fish population of the Grossen Erlauf consists primarily of the brook trout, rainbow trout and grayling. Permitted fishing gear consists of fly rods with artificial flies.
Day licenses can be obtained in limited numbers.
The three river sections the Wang, Steinakirchen and Wieselburg comprise the Kleine Erlauf of Horhag, earlier the holding from the Lords Wolfpassing and Gresten (labeled by the District Board as being abut 1 kilometer above Randegg) downstream from the mouth of the Grosse Erlauf.
Each of these stages point to a length of about 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles) up and are very prominently suited for fishing with artificial flies. The Kleinen Erlauf is an alpine river of medium size with a width of about 8 meters (headwaters) to 14 meters (below).
The Angler discovers fast changing flowing portions and quiet areas. Especially noteworthy is how the rivers meander along their entire course. The necessary water regulations are very thoughtfully managed so as to conserve the natural river courses, including the installation of stone blocks with the intention of reinforcing the river banks.
The fish population consists of brook and rainbow trout and grayling, all together.
Small Erlauf Wang
Samll Erlauf Steinakirchen
Small Erlauf Wieselburg
TThe fish district Steyr Grünburg lies in the heart of the Steyr Valley in upper Austria. Characteristic of this District are the many brook entrances which lead deep into the Kalkalpen National Park. The Steyr is structured, powerful water about 30 meters wide and 5.1 kilometers (3 miles) long. It lies in the region of the lower Alps of upper Austria and runs partially along the townsite of Grunburg near the city of Steyr.
The fish population is predominately brook and rainbow trout as well as grayling. In certain typical sections one can find the famous “Steyr Grayling” prominently represented. Outstanding catches are very frequent here.
The efforts of managing the waters also show very good results, which again attracts anglers from all over the world. In our District the Steyr is Class I-II.
The best time for dry fly fishing the Steyr Grunburg is certain from middle of July until the middle of August. The weather is steady and allows for good water levels in order to access good fishing spots and one can enjoy the whole day dry fly fishing.
Brook Trout belong to the trout family. The color of this beautiful fish is very different. Red spots can be found among a number of brown flecks in different sizes on the head, gills and back. The back is a greenish brown color, the stomach ranges from yellow to white. The body has a torpedo-like form. The mouth opening reaches back behind the eyes. The tail fins are somewhat indented but they are straighter on older fish.
Rainbow Trout likewise belong to the trout family. Their backs, back fins as well as the fat area and tail fins are covered with many black dots. Mainly one sees white foam along the pelvic fins.
The back is a dark to brownish green colour, the sides are brighter and the stomach is a silvery colour underneath. The body has a torpedo-like form and is flattened laterally. The mouth opening reaches back behind the eyes. The jaws are reinforced by top teeth. Older males usually have a lower jaw bone.
Grayling also belong to the trout family. The body is stretched out and somewhat flattened laterally, which sometimes gives this fish a high-backed form. The head to the mouth is cone-shaped. The small mouth has an under bite. The back fin is like a flag and is conspicuously high and multi-coloured.
Their habitat is cool, fast flowing water, occasionally they are also found in Alpine lakes. This species lives mostly in free water and needs no shelter. As a diet they consume larvae, various insects and also other small creatures.
The char species belong to the salmon family and have fins typical of all salmon. The body form is very streamlined. This species shows extraordinary diversity from one fish to another, and some are much larger than other salmon species.
The Char can be found all over the world’s northern hemisphere. They prefer as a rule cold, clear fresh water. Only a few of these species migrate to salt water. Char are predominately fresh water fish, although many have advanced into arctic waters.
The Huchen, also called Danube Salmon or Redfish (sometimes named “Donauzalm”), are found above all on the Danube and its many interior streams. The Danube Salmon is rare and threatened by extinction. These fish are on the average between 110 and 130 centimeters (43-51 inches) long with a weight of 10-30 kilograms (22 to 65 pounds). The Danube Salmon has a long, nearly round cross-sectioned body. On the reddish brown back one finds numerous dark spots in the form of an “x” or half moons.